UFC Advertiser Tried Pressuring Dana White Into Removing Pro-Trump Vi

Publish date: 2024-05-08
dana white donald trump TMZ.com

A major UFC advertiser once tried to strong-arm Dana White into taking down a pro-Donald Trump video off his personal social media page ... infuriating the CEO.

Dana's response?? "F*** YOU!"

White was recently a guest on Theo Von's "This Past Weekend" podcast ... when he relayed the shocking story.

"I posted a video for Trump. Right? On my personal social media, and one of our big sponsors called and said, 'Take that down.' Know what I said? 'Go f*** yourself. You vote for whoever you wanna vote for, and I'll vote for whoever I want to vote for.' That's how this works."

"I don't even care who you vote for. It's none of my f***ing business. But f*** you. Don't ever f***ing call me and tell me who to vote for!" White emphatically said.

NEW: UFC’s Dana White says he told a big sponsor to “go f*** yourself” after they told him to delete a social media post that he shared of Donald Trump.

Amazing 🔥🔥🔥

“One of our big sponsors called and said, take that down.”

“I said, go f*** yourself. You vote for whoever… pic.twitter.com/Ay9yqmmyXh

— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) November 14, 2023 @CollinRugg

Dana didn't name the company, but whoever made the ask obviously was clueless to who they were dealing with ... 'cause White and Trump are tight. The men go way back to White's early UFC days ... more than a decade before DT even considered running for office.

Even if his bond with 45 wasn't what it is, Dana's made it crystal clear he won't meddle in the political views of others, a belief that's seemingly become rare these days.

dana white donald trump Getty

Theo also told a similar, politically related story involving now-Independent presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Jr., who was also recently on Von's show.

While the ep did big numbers, clearly not everyone was pumped for RFK Jr.'s appearance ... namely Peloton.

Yes, the exercise equipment makers ... who according to the comedian, wanted their ad pulled from his ep.

"Peloton were the people who wanted the ad out," Von said.

🔥 Dana White ABSOLUTELY ROASTS Peloton for Trying to Cancel Robert F. Kennedy Jr

"They got a problem with Robert f*cking Kennedy? F*ck you, Peloton!...My guys are going to take the Pelotons out of the gym today. We're getting rid of them. We're going to go throw them in the… pic.twitter.com/JBfRo0j1av

— Chief Nerd (@TheChiefNerd) November 14, 2023 @TheChiefNerd

This didn't sit well with Dana.

"Peloton sells stationary bikes and they have a problem with Robert F. Kennedy? F*** you, Peloton. Who the f*** are they? Are you f***ing kidding me? F***ing Peloton calling bitching about Robert Kennedy."

Free speech ...
