Harry Potters lightning bolt scar, explained

Publish date: 2024-05-07

“Harry Potter, the boy who lived, come to die… “ That Voldemort quote has nothing to do with this article, but it just makes me geek out every time I hear it — and you’re stuck with me.

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For more than 20 years now, J.K. Rowling’s unforgettable Harry Potter franchise has brought a magic to our very real world, and fans around the globe are as enthusiastic today about wizarding as they’ve ever been. Still, there may be of a few you out there who are unfamiliar with some of the series non-negotiables, and that’s where a nerd like me can come in handy. It’s nice being useful.

Look, we both know why you’re here. You wanted to know a bit more about Harry’s lighting bolt scar, so let’s give you a bit of an education in unforgivable curses.

How did Harry Potter get his scar?

Voldemort tried to kill a baby. That’s it, that’s the story. Back when Harry was a wee lad, Voldemort was foretold a prophecy that involved Harry Potter defeating him. Pretty standard stuff. As a dark lord, Voldemort certainly wasn’t too thrilled with that type of news, and set off to kill baby Harry before he grew up.

Harry’s parents, Lily and James, were Aurors, meaning that they defended against the dark arts as magical officials, and happened to be members of the Order of the Phoenix — which inevitably put them in direct opposition with he who must not be named, only making matters worse.

Voldemort showed up at the Potter residence and brutally murdered Lily and James on his way to Harry, and wound up casting a spell that needs no introduction. Avada Kedavra, The Killing Curse.

Now, with a name like The Killing Curse, you’d think that Harry Potter would have been killed. Wrong. Harry survived on account of his mother’s sacrifice, and the rest is history. Although it wasn’t without a price.

In surviving Voldemort’s attack, Harry was marked by that peculiar, lighting bolt scar — forever tying him to the monstrous man who killed his parents. Not just in imagery, either; Harry’s scar would eventually act as a physical connection between himself and Voldemort, and at times would cause Harry great discomfort if he interacted (in-person or otherwise) with you know who. This is scary stuff.

What side is Harry Potter’s scar on?

This answer is a lot more straightforward. If the image up top didn’t give it away, Harry Potter’s scar is on the right side of his forehead. Boom. Question answered.

Well, there you have it, a breakdown of Harry Potter’s infamous scar. You can stream all eight Harry Potter movies right now on Max, or buy the books basically anywhere. Go forth with knowledge, and use it wisely.
