Vanderpump Rules Season 10 Episode 15 #Scandoval Recap And Review- And The Emmy For Dramatics Goes T

Publish date: 2024-05-06

The parade of gaslighting and lies continues. I’m not sure I have ever seen this level of deception on reality television before, and I have watched Survivor since the beginning. We have sat and watched for weeks as all the cringiest moments between Tom Sandoval, Ariana, and Raquel unfolded. We have watched Ariana defend and confide in Raquel. The creepy intimate conversations in the penultimate episode were a lot to handle. Lala and Katie had begun to have questions, which everyone should have listened to, but instead all of #PumpRules Nation was shocked. Finally, we saw the fallout, and there were more tears spilled than in The Notebook. Curiously, most of them were from the cheater – Sandoval. Vanderpump Rules Season 10 Episode 15 closed with a whimper.

Last week I wrote that the problem with Sandoval’s story is his gross victim-blaming. Unfortunately, he is on a blame tour with endless stops ahead. Despite his dirty laundry being aired, Tom still insists it’s Ariana’s fault – she is to blame for his unhappiness which caused his cheating. It is her fault that she didn’t track him down and confront him; she should have somehow made it easy for him to break up with her. The audacity of this man is staggering! It takes self-delusion to an unprecedented level to convince yourself that your bad behavior is someone else’s fault.

Vanderpump Rules Season 10 Episode 15 picks up in the wake of the affair’s revelation; Ariana found a Facetime video of Raquel and Tom kissing then promptly called Raquel to beg for answers. After what I can only imagine was an unpleasant call, Raquel finally admitted to their kiss; however, Sandoval’s house of cards came crashing down shortly after that!

Ariana confronts Tom about what happened, and he retorts with concern for Ariana’s former friend and his current mistress. Obviously, this conflicts with his “I care so much for Ariana” narrative and infuriates her. After everything that has happened, he still can’t apologize or accept responsibility. She is angry and hurt. A litany of friends and family come by to check on her, and she holds up remarkably well; in fact, she is more controlled and believable than Sandoval, who takes every opportunity to steal the spotlight and sob into his hands.

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His visit with LVP where he fakes a panic attack is incredibly disgusting; the man has the maturity of a fruit fly! We can only hope his waning fame will be as short-lived. In contrast to Sandoval’s antics, Ariana looks like a rock-star; she is fuming but in control. She even manages to look fresh when you know her face is tear-soaked, and she is exhausted.

On WWHL with Andy later, she is a vision in see-through black lace: it’s a revenge dress that I am 100% down for! She is a fount of zingers and truths designed to knock the wind out of Raquel and Tom. She pointed out to Sandoval that she loved him when he had nothing but an old Civic car and wore skinny jeans while Raquel has no identity other than what men give her – it’s an accurate sentiment that becomes uncomfortably clearer when we see Sandoval and Raquel together.

She is a grown woman responsible for her actions; what she did was wrong, but Sandoval is a tap-dancing con man who fooled everyone around him, including Raquel. I think she really bought the BS he fed her because we know he can be relentless with his lies. You can tell from the early days after announcing the scandal that Raquel didn’t understand how serious her situation was; she truly believed this man loved her and was breaking things off with Ariana. Was she wrong to lie to Ariana? Of course, but Tom tricked much smarter, more experienced people; she didn’t have a chance.

Tom believes his own story – I wish it weren’t true, but he has been lying for so long now that he doesn’t know the truth anymore. He is a pig in shit forced to sit in his filth. His bad deeds have hurt his business and his best friend, though: Schwartz is a man-child sidekick with no voice or opinion of his own. However, those that work at their bars are blameless; Schwartz gets that. Sandoval either doesn’t or can’t bring himself to care.

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Now with the truth out, Schwartz tries to condemn him, but it’s too little and too late. He’s upset he’s being canceled for doing nothing, but that’s precisely the problem! When he shows up hat in hand to apologize to Ariana, she shuts him down.

Schwartz did nothing when he could have done the right thing; I doubt Ariana ever accepts his apology. He knew from almost the beginning and never told a soul because bro code trumps human decency for others. There is nothing Sandoval can do to make Schwartz stop being his friend; he could have had an affair with Katie, and Schwartz would gloss over it! He could probably beat his dog, and it would be fine!

Their sad exchange provided Sandoval another chance to craft his excuses though – he didn’t tell Ariana because he got the impression she didn’t want to know… Whatever dude! There’s no excuse for what he did; you don’t flaunt a months-long affair unless you’re so arrogant you really think you can get away with anything.

He is a grifter, a snake-oil salesman and a worm-tear smuggler! Screwing in a car in front of your house only to wake your partner to let you in is sick! The entire cast of Vanderpump Rules has an opinion, and none are kind to Sandoval. James is hurt because he considers him a close friend; after all, Sandoval paid for his engagement to Raquel last year. James Kennedy is chaos walking but the livewire is authentic, and his emotions are real. He called Raquel and asked how she felt about herself and the affair; he continues to be erratic and the version of us all that lives in our heads and only sneaks out in our revenge dreams. He still loves her, that much is obvious.

He needn’t worry about Sandoval; in one small conversation, he slipped and called Raquel Ariana then only said he loved her after she misheard him – it’s uncomfortable stuff. This poor ding-dong is so naive she thought this was more than an ego boost and adrenaline rush.

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Sandoval’s confessional shortly after the visit proves he doesn’t know how to tell the truth; he told her he would never cheat on her because he respected and cared for her – but in his confessional though, he says “I can’t predict the future.” Once a cheater always a cheater. If gaslighting were a sport, Tom would be the undisputed GOAT.

Kristen’s back in Vanderpump Rules Season 10 Finale with new maturity and insight, but unfortunately, Sandoval has a pattern of disturbing behavior: cheating then telling everyone they are breaking up but never doing it while blaming his partner. Lisa comforts Sandoval by telling him that he did a bad thing but isn’t a bad person; however, his track record tells a different story.

Everyone is rallying around Ariana, including Scheana who has been served with a Temporary Restraining Order for her alleged assault on Raquel. Raquel does have scratches, but Scheana’s fist-making demonstration is not only hilarious but also telling. Something happened between the two women after WWHL, but I doubt it was a punch.

The other women all get their moments with Ariana; Katie continues to hold Schwartz accountable, and no one breathes fire like Lala. My favorite insult was assigned to Schwartz: Bitch Boy – it says it all perfectly.

I can’t listen to three hours of Tom’s excuse campaign – if you didn’t love her, break up with her and don’t screw her friend behind her back for months! There were plenty of shocking moments, including Ariana’s revelation that news of Raquel and Sandoval’s breakup may be false. Sandoval telling Schwarts to stay off social media instead of saying sorry is bonkers! Blaming first Ariana and later Raquel for staying quiet was a new low.

Going after Ariana’s mental health is the worst though; evidently, that pact not to humiliate each other is over. I can only hope that Ariana takes the low road at least once during the Vanderpump Rules Season 10 Reunion and tells us about his poor performance issues.

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