Joy Taylor looks red hot in latest Speak live TV outfit as viewers go wild for stunning host'

Publish date: 2024-05-05

FOX Sports host Joy Taylor wows her fans and TV viewers with her latest social media post showing off her fashion selection for Thursday's episode.

The 37-year-old cohost of the popular sports talk show Speak dazzled fans after sharing a post-show photo to her Instagram. 

Taylor took to social media to exhibit her stylish outfit for the show.

She appeared in a fusha-colored long dress while catching a football and throwing it off camera at the Fox Sports studio set. 

Many of her 637,000 Instagram followers quickly responded with compliments and were blown away by her football skills.

One fan said: "She can't do any wrong in my eyes!!"

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Another: "What can't this phenomenal woman do?"

A third declared: "Looking like #13 Dan Marino with that quick release !! !!!"

And a fourth: "Prettiest pass I've ever seen."

Taylor is famous for her straightforward style on air and approach to sports media.

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She recently stated that the Kansas City Chiefs could win their season opener against the Detroit Lions without star Travis Kelce, who is injured.

Taylor also has a busy, traveled-filled summer, touring Africa and attending several movie premieres. 

She was able to take a safari trip to the African Wildlife Reserve.

Joy has also taken expeditions to Panama and the Bahamas.
