What kind of money do they use in Bora Bora?

Publish date: 2024-05-02


What kind of money do they use in Bora Bora?

Bora Bora, the stunning tropical island located in French Polynesia, uses the French Pacific Franc (XPF) as its official currency. The currency is commonly referred to as the CFP franc, which stands for “Comptoirs Français du Pacifique franc.” This currency is used not only in Bora Bora but also in other French overseas territories such as New Caledonia and Wallis and Futuna.

The CFP franc is unique to these French territories and is tied to the Euro at a fixed exchange rate. The exchange rate is approximately 1 Euro to 119.33 XPF. It is essential to note that the CFP franc is not widely used or accepted outside of French Polynesia and other French overseas territories, so it is advisable to exchange your currency before traveling to Bora Bora.

FAQs about the currency in Bora Bora:

1. Can I use my credit card in Bora Bora?

Using credit cards in Bora Bora is quite common, especially in hotels, resorts, and some upscale restaurants. However, it is always advisable to carry some cash, mainly if you plan to explore local markets or visit smaller establishments where credit card facilities may be limited.

2. Can I exchange money in Bora Bora?

Yes, you can exchange money in Bora Bora. Major hotels and the airport have currency exchange facilities, but it is recommended to exchange your currency before arriving on the island to ensure you have enough cash for immediate expenses. Additionally, local banks can assist you with currency exchange services.

3. Are ATMs available in Bora Bora?

Yes, ATMs are available in Bora Bora. Most ATMs accept international cards, but it is always wise to inform your bank about your travel plans to avoid any issues with card usage. Keep in mind that ATMs can sometimes be limited, so it’s a good idea to have some cash on hand as a backup.

4. Where can I find local banks in Bora Bora?

Local banks, such as Banque de Tahiti and Banque Socredo, have branches on the main island of Bora Bora. These banks offer various services, including currency exchange, cash withdrawals, and general banking needs. It’s advisable to check their operating hours in advance, as they may differ from standard business hours.

5. What should I do with remaining CFP francs after my trip?

If you have any remaining CFP francs at the end of your trip to Bora Bora, you can either keep them as a souvenir or exchange them back to your local currency at the airport or at foreign exchange offices. Keep in mind that exchangers might charge a fee for the service, so it’s a good idea to spend or exchange the remaining currency before leaving the island.

6. Are traveler’s checks accepted in Bora Bora?

While traveler’s checks used to be widely accepted in the past, their popularity has diminished over time. Most establishments in Bora Bora prefer cash or credit cards for transactions. It is advisable to carry a mix of cash and cards for convenient payment options.

7. What currency do I need to use when visiting other French Polynesian islands?

The CFP franc is the official currency used not only in Bora Bora but also in other French Polynesian islands. Cash is widely accepted, and credit cards are also commonly used in major establishments. However, it’s recommended to have some cash on hand, as some smaller islands may have limited card facilities.

8. Can I use US dollars in Bora Bora?

While some major hotels and resorts may accept US dollars, it is not a universally accepted currency in Bora Bora. It’s always best to have the local currency, CFP franc, on hand for most transactions. If paying in US dollars, you may receive change in the local currency, and the exchange rate may not be favorable.

9. Are there any restrictions on bringing foreign currency into Bora Bora?

There are no specific restrictions on bringing foreign currency into Bora Bora. However, it’s recommended to declare any amount exceeding 10,000 Euros or its equivalent to customs upon arrival. It’s always wise to check with the customs regulations of your home country and French Polynesia before traveling.

10. Can I use my debit card in Bora Bora?

Debit cards are widely accepted in Bora Bora, especially those with Visa or Mastercard logos. However, it is always advisable to inform your bank about your travel plans and ensure that your card is compatible with international withdrawals and payments.

11. Are there currency exchange offices at Bora Bora’s airport?

Yes, Bora Bora’s airport has currency exchange offices where you can exchange your currency to CFP francs. It’s advisable to have some local currency upon arrival for immediate expenses, such as transportation or small purchases.

12. Are there any additional fees or charges when using credit cards or ATMs in Bora Bora?

While credit card usage and ATM withdrawals are generally free of any additional charges, it is essential to check with your bank regarding any foreign transaction fees or currency conversion fees that may apply. Some banks may charge a small percentage for international transactions, so it’s advisable to be aware of these fees to avoid surprises on your account statement.

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