Star Trek: Legacy Series Canceled But For The Best Reason?

Publish date: 2024-05-02

From the very beginning, the purpose of Star Trek: Picard was to give a great send-off to our titular character. While the first two seasons were very rocky, season three managed to deliver on this premise by giving Patrick Stewart’s character plenty of closure: he rekindled his relationship with Beverly Crusher, discovered he had a secret son, and managed to save the Federation one more time. Of course, the “secret sauce” of this season was getting to see more of our favorite characters from The Next Generation that we otherwise hadn’t seen in decades, including Worf and Geordi LaForge.

Many fans want a Star Trek: Legacy series specifically because they want to see more of these characters, but hear us out: in an ongoing show, those characters would most likely be reduced to a handful of disappointing cameos spread out over several seasons. Why settle for the occasional episode of Riker making pizza or Worf finding his inner calm when we could have a film that gives the most beloved characters their own Picard-like sendoffs? Just as Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country gave closure to The Original Series, a Star Trek: Legacy movie could give closure to The Next Generation in a way that Nemesis never did. 
