Nina Agdal: Used to cheating on your wife

Publish date: 2024-05-02

Conor McGregor is apparently headed to the AO Arena to show his support for his longtime close friend Dillon Danis as he makes his debut in the squared circle.

Danis is set to take on Logan Paul in a highly anticipated six-round exhibition grudge match tonight (October 14) as the featured bout in the Misfits X DAZN: The Prime Card event.

The prelude to the fight has been anything but ordinary, with 'El Jefe' stirring up a storm by sharing personal photos and videos of Paul's fiancée, Nina Agdal. Danis' provocative actions escalated to the point of legal consequences, including Agdal pursuing legal action and securing a restraining order against him.

Conor McGregor recently shared a photo on Instagram showcasing the event poster for Paul vs. Danis. However, 'The Notorious' tagged Agdal in the place of Paul. He captioned:

"Watch out for the secret move, we gonna blow the socks off this arena and then I’m going sideways on the lambo at 220"

Check out the post below:

However, the former UFC champion didn't end his actions there; he subsequently went on X (formerly Twitter) and posted:

"Logan, me and her, what's up."

Check out the post (now deleted) below:

Credits: @TheNotoriousMMA on X

Conor McGregor's posts engaged fans, who responded with a variety of reactions.

One fan wrote:

"Is he gonna bounce his head off the canvas ?"

Another wrote:

"Danis jumps for choke 100%"

Check out some more reactions below:

"I want the secret move to be anything BJJ. Would be absolutely hilarious" "Bro tagged my girlfriend. Our girlfriend. Everyone's girlfriend 🤣🤣" "Used to cheating on your wife" "Bros gonna walk out with every one of Ninas exes 😂💀" "Flying arm bar incoming…🤣🤣🤣"
Credits: @thenotoriousmma on Instagram

What did Conor McGregor say about Nina Agdal's lawsuit against Dillon Danis?

During an interview with All Out Fighting last month, Conor McGregor offered his perspective on Nina Agdal's legal action against Dillon Danis:

"It's messy, all that. I don't care about it... It's an interesting build up, and it's exciting. Fair play to both of them."

McGregor went on and expressed his confidence in Danis' readiness to secure a victory against Paul:

"I think Dillon's gonna win [boxing match]. You know he had the baby, we didn't get to train together so I don't know the ins and out but I know he's doing well. He's still training and he's gonna go for it."

Check out McGregor's comments below:

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