Claire Goose: It was great being a pin-up but nowadays I prefer a cup of tea and a good night's slee

Publish date: 2024-05-02

CLAIRE Goose found fame in 1997 as sexy nurse Tina Seabrook in BBC hospital drama Casualty and her stunning figure and good looks made her an instant lads’ mag favourite.

But the actress is happier to cover up these days.

Still stunning at 39, Claire says it is good to look back on the pictures and that she has no regrets about stripping off.

But life has moved on for her and she is now a happily married mum-of-two.

She said: “It’s a nice part of my past. It’s not too shabby that people thought I was sexy.”

Claire is back on screens again in April, starring in compelling ITV1 two-part thriller Undeniable. She plays Jane Phillips, a woman who recognises her mother’s murderer 23 years after the crime.

She witnessed the killing when she was seven and is determined to bring the man she believes is responsible to justice.

But as the thriller unfolds, the audience are left unsure if Jane has accused the right man – a well-respected oncologist and family man, played by Peter Firth.

Claire said: “Unfortunately, she has wrongly identified other suspects in the past and her family and the police worry this is another false claim.”

Filmed in Ireland last December, Claire says she hopes the drama will put her back in the spotlight after being off-radar raising her family.

“It takes a while to get back into people’s minds,” she added. “I hope this will do that. I loved the whodunnit element of this piece and when I read the script, I wasn’t sure where it was going. I got to the end and hadn’t worked it out – there is a twist.

“At the start, my character has a daughter and a loving husband who has supported her through a lot. She has just found out she is pregnant, too, so everything seems to be going really well.

“Then it all kicks off when she sees this guy and everything starts to unravel. She can’t rest until the killer has been brought to justice. I think people will be very satisfied with the ending.”

She said: “As a mum, it brought strong emotions to the surface. To lose a parent at such a young age would be so traumatic. I did briefly look into a few cases of children who had witnessed a parent’s murder but I found it really upsetting. I am such a wuss now I have children of my own.”

Claire has two daughters, Amelia, who is four-and-a-half, and 18-month-old Eveline, with her TV producer and director husband Craig Woodrow, 41. So how is she finding being a mum?

She said: “Knackering. It’s tiring but great. It’s a whole new ball game.”

Claire is honest enough to admit the emotional toll that being a first-time mum took on her.

She added: “I found it hard to adjust to being a mum. It was a big shock to my system but I think that was because Amelia didn’t sleep for 15 months or so.

“Eventually, we had to get a children’s sleep specialist called Andrea Grace and she managed to sort it out really quickly.

‘It was incredible but she was still an early waker and was up at about 5am.

“We had been surviving on four hours of sleep a night and that was broken, so we were pretty wrecked. It was horrendous.

“I do remember thinking quite early on, ‘This is not something you give back, a child is for life’.

“But she got there and knowing what she is like now, I kind of get why she was like that as a baby. She’s so full of life and a party animal. As an adult, she’s going to be hilarious. She will be the last one standing at every party.”

However, the experience did make her worry about having another baby.

“We desperately wanted another child but we couldn’t imagine having one when we had one that didn’t sleep,” said Claire. “It was really important we got that sorted as it made me very sad to think I wouldn’t have another child because of it.

“A lot of our NCT group were pregnant with their second after a year – but then, their babies slept from 7pm to 7am.”

Once Amelia was established in a routine, Claire finally started to think about adding to the family and Eveline arrived in 2012.

She said: “In a way, it’s a blessing we waited, otherwise we wouldn’t have had Ev and she’s wonderful.

“I love being a mummy. They’re so different but they’ve both got a great sense of humour and are very funny and sweet.

“I think that’s it for me now. I haven’t got the energy for any more.”

Claire went to a top theatre school before landing her big break as nurse Tina in Casualty. She went on to star as Detective Mel Silver in Waking the Dead and in a number of TV dramas such as Love Lies Bleeding with Martin Kemp, and Secret Smile opposite David Tennant.

The actress had a regular role as Inspector Rachel Weston in The Bill in 2009 when she got pregnant and decided to take time out to look after her family.

Now Claire and Craig, who live in London, take it in turns to work as he is also a freelancer.

They met in 2004, got engaged in 2006 and married a year later in a Christmas wedding in Claire’s hometown of Dersingham in Norfolk. She admits it was love at first sight when they were introduced on a blind date.

She said: “We agreed to meet in the day as it’s less pressured, so we met in a coffee shop. We stayed there for seven hours and didn’t stop talking. Funnily enough, Craig’s parents met on a blind date and so did mine, so there’s obviously something in it.

“But marriage takes work and it’s not all plain sailing.

“When you have kids, it takes a battering not only sleep-wise but in terms of your time. You have to want to make it work and want to make it good.

“Once we got the sleep specialist in, we alleviated that problem.

“Craig is romantic in small ways, which are actually more thoughtful – a heated blanket on the bed when I come in from work late or a cup of tea in the morning.

“It’s important to work – it makes me a far happier and more creative person, so when I go home I’m ready to get stuck in because I feel nourished.

“We’re both able to work and be at home, so we both get the sense of satisfaction and don’t feel one is taking all the weight one end. It tends to balance out quite well. Craig had just come to the end of a five-month contract when I got the job on Undeniable.

“Bless him, Craig’s out doing kids’ play dates. He takes it all in his stride and the other mums think he’s amazing.”

This month, Claire finishes a four-month nationwide theatre tour of The Perfect Murder, a stage adaptation of a novella by best-selling crime writer Peter James, in which she co-stars with Les Dennis, Gray O’Brien and Casualty’s Steve Miller.

Last week, the company were at Glasgow’s King’s Theatre.

“We were all looking forward to it as it’s Gray’s home turf and Steve’s from Scotland,” added Claire. “There was this whole big Scottish thing going on.

“It was my first visit to Glasgow and Gray took me to the west end to show me the town. I loved it.”

Claire turns 40 next year but has no qualms about getting older.

She added: “It’s going to happen and I can’t do anything about it. I just know I’d like a party – I don’t want to let it go by. We may even go glamping with loads of friends and their kids.”

Still enviably slim, she said: “I don’t diet and I don’t believe in them.

“It’s a case of eating in moderation. I’ve never had a weight issue, really.

“I don’t work out either – I really wish I did. I’m realising now that I need to be fit because I had a shoulder injury in the play and now I’m getting older, I can’t throw myself around the stage eight times a week without expecting something to go a bit dodgy.

“But when I’ve been away working, the last thing I feel like doing is going to the gym – I want to be with the kids.”

Once voted FHM’s 29th sexiest woman, Claire was left red-faced when one of her actor friends saw her in all her former glory on a magazine cover on her recent theatre tour.

She said: “We were in Bath and a fan had left an old magazine for me to sign. I was chatting to an understudy and he saw me on the cover and went, ‘Blimey Goosey, is that you?’ I had never been embarrassed before but I think I felt shy because I was working with him.”

And did she sign the magazine? Laughing, she said: “Oh yes, of course. I was flattered really.”

* Undeniable is on ITV1 on Monday, April 7 at 9pm.
